Read more about the article 马来西亚的尿失禁与治疗<br/><p class='subtitle' style='font-style:italic; color: #636363; text-weight:100; font-size:11px; line-height: 1.4; text-transform:normal; margin-top:1em;'>Learn about leaking urine, loss of bladder control, and the treatment method in Malaysia</p>
Young sick woman with hands holding pressing her crotch lower abdomen. Medical or gynecological problems, healthcare concept


Learn about leaking urine, loss of bladder control, and the treatment method in Malaysia什么是尿失禁?马来西亚如何治疗尿失禁? 您是否有过无法控制的漏尿现象,尤其是在咳嗽、打喷嚏、大笑、吹风或运动时? 您是否曾有过突然而强烈的尿意,以至于无法及时如厕? 如果是这样,您可能患有尿失禁。 快速访问: 尿失禁的类型 我有尿失禁的风险吗? 尿失禁的原因是什么? 尿失禁治疗 预约治疗 尿失禁的类型: 尿失禁有多种类型,但最常见的类型有 压力性尿失禁 (SUI)…

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Learn about leaking urine, loss of bladder control, and the treatment method in Malaysia

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