Vibrance | The Pelvic Health Professionals since 2011

We're Pelvic Health Professionals

Many women and men suffer in silence from pelvic health issues like pelvic area pain, organ prolapse, urine leaking and vaginismus without knowing where to seek help.

Since 2011, using evidence based and clinically proven physiotherapy treatments we have helped our clients rapidly regain control, confidence and intimacy with lasting results.

Explore Your
Pelvic Health Treatments

Bringing first line defense pelvic care with international clinical standards to you in Malaysia

Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Treat & Prevent 'rahim jatuh'

Overcome Unsuccessful, Painful Intercourse

Urinary Incontinence
Cure urine leaking effectively

Many pelvic-floor related issues that women face, such as bladder control problems and sexual health issues are the result of long term neglect. I urge women to start strengthening your pelvic floor early, from the first child, or now, and enjoy the freedom and empowerment to live life to the fullest.
